This turned out to be a good choice not to go camping on Friday night as there were major thunderstorms all night.
Saturday morning we woke up early to see grey ominous clouds on the horizon toward Banff and Canmore. The forecast was still showing high probabilities of rain over night and a possibility of snow in higher elevations! YIKES So instead we headed off for Nanton Alberta to visit Ultimate Trains and their Big Sky outdoor train layout.
We took the longer more scenic route out Highway #22 through Bragg Creek, Millarville, Black Diamond and Turner Valley where we crossed over to Nanton. It is a spectacularly beautiful area of the province with the Mountains, Foothills and Prairies on the other side. Now for those of you who have driven the 22 through these towns you know that there are several stops and turns. While waiting at a light I noticed a restaurant with a large sign saying “All Day Breakfast” and several people milling about outside of it. Now on grey cloudy days while traveling in the car with small children, “pancakes and all day breakfast” sound like heaven.
Heaven did it turn out be in the Chuckwagon CafĂ© 105 Sunset Blvd SW Turner Valley, AB T0L 2A0, Canada (403) 933-0003! DaddyJ had a massive stack of three perfect blueberry pancakes that were light and fluffy with hot blueberries inside of them and completely lacking in any gooey spots! The kids had Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes with lots of whipped cream and warm syrup. In an interesting turn of events I had Smoked Salmon Eggs Benedict which was to dye for. It was a huge filet of smoke salmon, two perfect eggs (which DadddyJ got the yolks of of course) and a delightful hollandaise sauce. Normally I am not the one in the family to order Eggs Benedict as it is DaddyJ’s weakness not to mention that I will not eat egg yolks if I can avoid them.
After filling ourselves to the limit with their delicious food we head back onto the #22 for Nanton. The rain continued to drizzle on and off all of the way to Nanton making me thankful that we were not camping.
The European side of the layout with the miniature gondola a personal favourite.
On the way back to Calgary from Nanton we noticed that the weather was beginning to clear. When we were almost at the city limits both children fell asleep. DaddyJ commented as we arrived home that I should check the weather again as thing looked to be clearing up.
To my great irritation after having both packed and unpack the car the weather was looking much better due the strong winds of the night before. I did a little bit of humming and hawing while DaddyJ convinced me that everything for camping was still mostly packed, we could get at least half way to Banff before either of the children woke up if we worked quickly.
I am pleased to report that we had the car repacked, cooler filled and were on the road within about 15minutes of making the plan. Granted the key was that the clothes and food we already organised. Both kids remained asleep until we were almost in Canmore, where we took a gamble to head onto Banff in order to try camping in a new location.We crossed our fingers and head on to Two Jack Lake. The lake-side campground was full so we headed a few more feet down the road to the non-lakeside Two Jack Lake main campground and found a great site.
Our evening around the campfire.
I had been really looking forward to the opportunity to sit around the fire with DaddyJ and catch up about all of the things going on in our lives, what was to come with all the activities starting in the fall and reflect on how much our life has changed in the last year….
Two Jack Lake, or Jack Jack as we J’s like to call it
DaddyJ reflecting on the fact that there really are lakes here in Alberta
Oh what a surprise the little J’s throwing rocking in the water!
The mountain goats on the road to Lake Minawanka
Following the heard….
One year Later…….
August 2006
August 2007
The first picture is of BabyJ & DaddyJ last year at the beginning of an epic journey for DaddyJ, our family and our lives. This moment will forever be burned in my head as DaddyJ finally admitted that there really are lakes here in Alberta. Apparently growing up on the Great Lakes colours your opinion of what a lake it!
Last year when this photo was taken DaddyJ was taking some much need time off as we contemplated where to go from the 70-80hour work weeks where he traveled 4 days a week 45 weeks that he had been working for the pervious 6 years! This was a momentous change for all of us.
One year later who could have predicted how much better off all of us would be despite all changes and the loss of some great perks. There is a Tom Chochrane song titled “I Wish You Well” and it perfectly sums up these two pictures. The pain of all of the changes we made and the reasons associated with why they were made all fades so quickly in light of all of the wonderful things that have happened this year.
DaddyJ has spent so much time with the kids in the last year because he has been working here in town which allowed him to volunteer at the FoodBank, get involved with Beavers and BabyJ’s little classes like Gymboree. I had the opportunity to meet lots of new people and remember who I was outside of my house, spouse and children this past year. We have all grown and changed so very much in one year, each and everyone of us has changed for the better.For me this camping trip was a chance to tell DaddyJ that one year later I am convinced that we are better off in so many different ways. Who would have know that we as a family would be much stronger, cohesive and connected? If things had stayed the same we would have spent our summer heading off a few trips with DaddyJ in the US . While that would have been nice I am sure, we would have missed out on Beavers, Camping and the close friendship that Daddy J & DaddyW have developed. These memories this year it has been precious and I am so thankful for how fantastically it has all worked out!
Our lunch time picnic at Bow falls mostly enjoying watching the antics of the tourists!
BeaverJ enjoying a little time at the park with DaddyJ while BabyJ slept in the car!
Breakfast & DaddyJ's Bear impression.
BabyJ exhausted from a fun weekend and a large lunch at our favourite Canmore restaurant the GrizzlyPaw!
All in all it was an absolutely outstanding long weekend filled with different adventures, great reflections and special family moments.
I wish you all well and hope that in a year from now you two will be looking back at how much better you life is one year later!
Best Wishes Always, MommyJ
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