Friday, December 14, 2007

Wintertime Zoo Fun and The Grade One Christmas Concert

Each year we enjoy the class' holiday production. The class' teacher and the music teacher work so hard to help the children feel confident in singing their songs. I suspect the music teacher has the patience of Job since she spends all fall helping the preschool to grade 3 students master their songs.

This year the children worked on small plays complete with costumes. BeaverJ was a Lutin (elf) in the play about Pere Noel having a headache which is not getting any better with the three Lutins bothering him about lost toy cars. It of course, turns out that the three cars in Pere Noel's hat are the cause of his headache!
We had a great time helping BeaverJ practice his lines for the play and even more fun seeing him say them with pride and confidence.

Additionally this year in the spirit of the three current official languages of focus at the school the class sang "Jingle Bells" in French, English and Spanish! Certainly it is an indication of things to come.

Singing Sonne les Cloches/Jingle Bells/Cascabel

BeaverJ enjoying the performance!
Singing Une Etoile de Noel and Quand le Pere Noel complete with actions

After the Christmas concert we returned to the classroom to enjoy a Christmas party complete with gifts, food and lots of laughter. BabyJ always loves to visit BeaverJ's room and check out what is in his desk.
Hanging with my Brother in his Classroom

Deep focus on the importance of eating cookies

Wintertime Fun at the Zoo!

As is our tradition during the Calgary Zoo Christmas Light spectacular we headed off to the zoo after school with one of BeaverJ's long time school buddies. We arrive early enough while there is still some light to see a few animals and then play at the playground. By that time it is getting to be dark out and we all head in for a dinner at the "cafe". After dinner much time must be spent sliding or as was this years theme, "Surfing the Slide". On the way out we take in a few of the lights just as the Zoo is getting busy.

BeaverJ and a school Buddy displaying their pleasure at being at the zoo!
BabyJ enjoying the park!

DaddyJ off in the dark distance checking out the boys' antics!

Happy Hippos and Warthogs

BabyJ taking a ride on the slide

The boys "surfing the rail" of the slide
Community Christmas Party
Our community puts on a Wine and Cheese Holiday party each December in our community hall. Since there are Wedding receptions or Christmas parties most weekends in the building it is always decorated festively and the catering staff presents a lovely selection of appetisers, desserts and beverages. It is a pleasant way to get out in your own community in the middle of a busy season.
This year the organisers had the great thought to bring in Santa in for a visit with the children! BeaverJ was very excited to sit with Santa and tell him all about what he wants for Christmas. BabyJ seems to have lost her fear of Santa and was willing to go talk to him while sitting on DaddyJ's lap. This is a wonderful improvement over last year and we can hope that by next year she will be willing to sit with Santa!
For both our Stampede Breakfast and Holiday party I am constantly impressed by the effort involved in making these events wonderful celebrations for the community.

The littleJ's by the Christmas tree in their "Santa" shirts.

BeaverJ's says "Santa doesn't have to know about this" and BabyJ's "I Heart Santa"

We hope this posting finds you all well and feeling ready for Christmas and New Years. We wish each of you a very happy holiday season and look forward to posting more about the 4jsadventures in 2008!

Best Wishes Always,

The 4 J's

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