Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ringing Out 2007

As has been our tradition, we rang out the year of 2007 with our dear friends the W’s. It was a lovely evening, enjoying the light displays of at the zoo and a fantastic fireworks show.

As we had just returned from Cancun we once again celebrated with Dick Clark at the W’s house. It was a funny evening of MommyW and DaddyJ building a friendship and DaddyW and I sitting back laughing at them.

BeaverW and BeaverJ played very well with BabyJ and all were sawing logs shortly after their sparkling apple juice at midnight. All in all it was a fantastic night despite several glowing articles of clothing as a result of leaky glow sticks. In an interesting turn of events I was actually familiar with the artists performing on the show this year to avoid last year’s humiliation! : )

I know I will always look at the pictures from this evening with great fondness and memories of an evening well spent.

In what would become the theme of 2008, we rang in the year in a new fashion. After a night in the guest room we proceeded to watch the Outdoor hockey game in Buffalo with Sidney Crosby. For those of you who know me, I was as colourful watching him play as I was touring Pearl Harbor. Not to mention that we all enjoyed bugging BrotherW who had rung in his first New Years Eve as a legal adult, needless to say he did not see the humor in our antics.

2008 the year of new chapters…..

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