Monday, August 8, 2011

April 2011

April included both an exciting field trip to Aggie Days with CubJ’s 4th grade class, Easter and the loss of SparkJ’s first tooth! What an exciting month for everyone. Most excitingly, the basement was finally completed!

Aggie days has always been one of my favourite field trips to volunteer for. I love seeing all of the animals, enjoying the rodeo demonstration and watching the kids get  a better understanding of where their food comes from. This year, I got a huge kick out of watching them feel for the baby cow aka "you want me to put my arm WHERE in the plastic cow!?!!" Thanks for the great day!

The Easter Egg hunt was a great sucess this year as we all enjoyed tromping into the developed basement in search of candy treats. Pleasently, this year the Easter Bunny brought gift cards for the kids favourite places, Build a Bear and the Lego store! I wonder what he will think of next?

Our Easter dinner: corn bread and green bean casserole baked by CubJ, spiral cut ham, carrots and mashed potatoes! Yummy job CubJ, you were a big help making those two side dishes. Not to mention that BC Blasted Church wine was the perfect pairing with our meal. Hoppy Easter everyone.

The month was ended with SparkJ's first visit from the tooth fairy after the loss of her bottom tooth! Sniff sniff sniff, my baby has lost her first tooth....

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